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Four Inner Ways to Cope when Times Are Hard


We all go through difficult times; situations may be presented to us that are out of our power and suddenly we are faced with no option but to deal with them, however challenging it may be.

During these times, the mind can become overrun with repetitive negative thoughts, which create anxiety, further stress and can even send you into meltdown.

Although you may currently feel powerless to whatever is happening, you have inner power that you can access, and use to your advantage, whenever you choose. 

Here are four inner ways to cope when times get hard.

1. Align with Happiness

Happiness is waiting to enter your life; it’s just a case of aligning with it internally first. You see, everything on the exterior of your life, takes place inside before it comes to physical existence; we must align with happiness internally in order to experience it.

Aligning with happiness when times are tough may seem impossible but it’s merely a case of staying present in the moment and not letting the mind do overtime with negative thoughts.

Ultimately, happiness comes down to how we use our mind. Some people have everything they could ever ask for – financial stability, a loving family, good people around them, good life experiences, but if they experience a lot of negative thinking, their world won’t seem so great from their point-of-view.

In a similar vein, some people have little, but if they use their mind in a positive way, and experience thoughts of an uplifting nature, they will likely live in peace, harmony and happiness.

Always remember that happiness is not an external destination; it’s a state of being, an inner alignment with positivity, rather than negativity.

2. Focus on what You Have Got, and Not on what You Haven’t

“The miracle of gratitude is that it shifts your perception to such an extent that it changes the world you see. ” ~ Dr. Robert Holden

The power of gratitude is incredible – thankfulness can singlehandedly change your situation in an instant. Even though times might be hard right now, there is still plenty to feel grateful for, and it’s crucial you make this your focus.

When we pay our attention to what we haven’t got, we create a starvation mindset where nothing is ever enough and we are constantly being stripped of more. But when we notice all of the things we do have to feel grateful about, and we notice them every day, our lives are enriching and satisfying, and we have lots of reasons to feel happy.

If you have been living with a starvation mindset, where you have been focusing on what you don’t have, rather than what you do, it’s time to make a list. Get out a bit of paper and a pen, or grab your phone if you prefer, and make a list of at least ten things you have in your life today that you are grateful for. You can do this regularly to create an enriching mindset.

Gratitude is the key component when it comes to pulling through any difficult situation. When we are grateful, we are telling the universe that we appreciate what we already have, which paves the way for better things to enter our lives.

3. Don’t Give Up

Don’t lose that fighting spirit that you know is somewhere inside, even through the toughest moments. You’ve made it this far, and you’re not going to give up now.

If we choose to take the negative option when things get tough, and we give up all hope and faith, we then lose our fight and succumb to further negativity. But you are made of stronger stuff than that, and even when your patience and strength are given the biggest tests, you can be strong and you can remain optimistic. For deep down, you know that you, and only you, already possess the power to pull yourself through what is happening.

4. Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen

Some of our most joyous moments may happen after the most difficult times in our lives, and that’s a good notion to hang onto – always believe that something great is about to happen, and it likely will.

I can’t speak for your individual situation but I can say this; life throws you curveballs, everything can change in an instant leaving you with unfamiliar anxiety and worries about what will be. But it’s important to remember that this is just a passing moment, and no matter what you are going through – these times will change.

There are wondrous times ahead for you; you just have to start believing it!

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